What our clients are saying.

“The perfect mix of off-the-shelf and customizable”

“Our move to Tourcube has been an incredibly positive experience, largely due to the ease of working with Steve Erts and his exceptional team. From our initial conversations with Tourcube, we could tell that we wouldn't be just another number to them.

We were transitioning from a fully custom, legacy system with unique quirks and complex data structures, and we needed a partner who understood our business intricately. The Tourcube team took the time to get to know us and our requirements thoroughly. Most of our needs were met right out of the box, and for the ones that weren't, Tourcube collaborated with us to develop tailored solutions. 

The support we have received during the transition and since going live has been outstanding. They are always available to address every question, big or small, and they continue to improve the system with regular new feature releases.”

— Nicole Abbott, Vice President, Wilderness Travel

“…a game-changer for Mountain Travel Sobek”

“As the CEO of Mountain Travel Sobek, I have had the pleasure (and sometimes pain) of working with numerous platforms over the years. Tourcube stands out as a truly exceptional tool in the travel industry. Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and unparalleled customer support have significantly streamlined our operations, allowing us to provide our guests with seamless and unforgettable travel experiences. The platform’s ability to integrate various aspects of our business into one cohesive system has been invaluable, saving us time and resources.

Working with Steve Erts and his team at Tourcube has been an absolute pleasure. They truly "get" our business and have consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of our unique needs. Their collaborative approach and dedication to problem-solving have made them invaluable partners. Their support and insights have greatly contributed to our success.

I highly recommend Tourcube to any travel company looking to improve their operational efficiency and deliver top-notch service to their guests. It has been a game-changer for Mountain Travel Sobek, and I am confident it will be for others as well.”

— Massimo Prioreschi, President & CEO, Mountain Travel Sobek

“Tourcube is a great partner.”

“Tourcube (TC) has transformed our business. Our previous system was great for sales and for dealing with the customers, but what it lacked was the ability to manage our suppliers. Prior to having TC we were managing everything in spreadsheets and it was a nightmare. Now, TC is the source of truth for everything and I can sleep at night knowing everything is booked in, paid for and ready to go.

The TC team skirt the line between off the shelf and custom built. Whilst you can onboard TC as is, and it is ready to go, the team are always responsive to building out solutions to your business’s problems/goals, with reasonably priced, and timely custom builds. Every quarter or so, there is a significant upgrade, and new features are being added all of the time.

If you have a complicated business, that you are trying to scale up, Tourcube is a great partner.”

— Simon Mendelawitz / MD of JOOB Travel & GM of Intrepid DMC AU 

“An Incredibly Positive Experience”

“Tourcube has been an incredibly positive experience for our business, from set-up to training and implementation. Tourcube made what seemed incredibly daunting at first very manageable, by expertly breaking down the steps to incorporate our product and processes into Tourcube. They’ve been very responsive to our requests and suggestions for new functionality in the system that can benefit tour operators, and the support and training these first few months of implementation has been exceptional. This is going to be a great tool to help us grow our business faster and manage it more efficiently, and one I would highly recommend.”

— Joe Sandillo, Founder - Exeter Latin America

“They know us all by name”

When looking for a tour management software and CRM system for the complex and unique needs of our business, we shopped around the big names in the industry we all know. When we came across Tourcube we found a group with all of their capabilities, plus the agility and service to understand our needs and create customized solutions to meet them. The more I speak with our industry peers, it becomes clear that all companies feel as though they have unique, hard-to-solve issues that out-of-the-box management software never fully addresses. For a year now, Tourcube has worked with us to help our business become more accountable, better develop and nurture leads, smoothly manage operations and grow in ways that will let us stay on top of our competition. Tourcube traveled across the country to spend a week in our office and their staff know us all by name; they know the needs of our business even better.

— Andrew Chmura, Owner & Founder - Grand Slam Tennis Tours

““Having all of our systems working together is integral to running more efficiently”

The new website is fed information from the content management system (CMS) component of Boundless Journeys’ new customer relationship management (CRM), tour reservations, and operations database provided by Tourcube (www.tourcube.net). With Tourcube, it’s easy to push and update website content and integrate information from online forms. Having all of our systems working together is integral to running more efficiently, and it’s much easier to keep track of information without duplicating it in multiple places. We’ve enjoyed collaborating with Tourcube through this process.

— Matt Holmes, Owner & Founder - Boundless Journeys